
Nodular Melanoma

Why are nodular melanomas not detected early?

  • They look different to other melanomas. Their appearances are not well known in the community or EVEN among health care providers
  • They grow more quickly. Nodular melanomas comprise only 10 to 15% of all melanomas but account for 60 to 70% of deep melanomas 
  • Nodular melanomas grow more quickly in depth than other types of melanoma.  From the outset nodular melanomas are developing increasing life-threatening potential.
  • It is likely that they vary in rate of growth but that some may take only 6 to 8 weeks! to develop significant life threatening potential
  • The ABCD’s are of no help for Nodular MelanomaNodular melanomas have no appreciable flat phase
  • In contrast to the ABCD features, nodular melanomas are symmetrical, have a regular border, are generally one colour and should be detected when they are only a few millimeters in diameterThese features are not well known. 
  • EFG has been suggested as a guide. Elevation, Firm and Growing.
  • Any lump on the skin that is still growing after a month should be assessed medically. 
  • One in five cases of nodular melanoma is ultimately fatal.

"Do the ABCDs, but also trust yourself, because in my experience patients are the first ones to notice something is wrong," Leffell said. "If patients are worried about a spot and the doctor doesn't want to biopsy it, find another doctor to biopsy it. The patient is the customer." Quote from Dr. Leffel at Yale.

My new motto: When in doubt, cut it out!

Info from presentation by VICTORIAN MELANOMA SERVICE and article from My Health News Please Check them out too!


  1. Hello
    Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. My husband was diagnosed with a nodular. He has skin checks every 6 months but about 3 months after a regular check I saw the nodular lesion on his back. He was a stage two and it was only 3 months !! Please check you skin!!

    1. Thanks for your comment. 3 months is so fast. But that is the way with nodular. It doesn't give you any time to hmmm and haaa. That's why the monthly checks on your own are so important. Thanks for sharing!

  2. My original tumor was superficial spreading and nodular type melanoma. The type that came back only 3 short months later was nodular type and kinda looked like a rash, 1.5 months later I had my biopsy and found out it was back with a vengeance. It spread to my lungs and I have a tumor in my groin and all over my left leg. Thank god I found this trial that is doing wonders for me!
    We need to raise awareness about melanoma. My tumor started growing while I was pregnant with my last son. I never tanned at all, only 2 bad sunburns in my adolescent years, and apparently that is all it takes, I'm only 26! Some people get melanoma and don't even have a primary skin tumor, so how we're still considered "skin cancer" I have no idea! The more awareness we raise the more the more research will be done and hopefully a cure and reason will be found!

    1. Thanks for the comment michaela! 26 is tooo young. I am so glad the trial is working for you. I was never a tanner either (other than incidental summer fun), due to my family history of melanoma. I can only imagine how bad it would be if I did!! Genetics just got a hold on me. Thanks for sharing your story on my page!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Around 2 months ago I had a brown spot "large freckle" appear on my face. It was larger and looked different from my many other freckles. Then about a month ago a small bump appeared on it and has grown to almost the size of the "freckle". I've been reading about nodular melanoma, but it does not appear to look like any of the descriptions or look like the pictures. My concern is how fast all of this has appeared and grown. Made an appointment with derm's assistant in 2 weeks. Receptionist didn't seem concerned - should I be? I am fair skinned, freckled, light hair, blue eyes and burned many times in my life - blistered many times as well...... I know it needs to be checked, but I'm battling over just how concerned should I be or not be.

    1. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I was away. I guess you are only a week away from your appt now. i think it is fine to wait that long, but definitely have it checked, and even if they say it is nothing, if it continues to grow, get it removed and tested. Typical superficial melanoma can also become raised after the initial surface faze, so it doesn't need to look like nodular to be a problem. Other types of skin cancer too can be raised too. I know it is really hard not to be worried, but try to just wait to see doc before being too worried. Then just watch, take pics, if they say its not a problem. I hope that helps!!! Thanks for asking.

  4. I am very scared, I have a firm colorless, and raised bump on my shoulder that appeared out of nowhere. I am getting it checked out tomorrow by a derm after my Dr told me it looked suspicious.I am fair skinned and have many moles on the parts of my body that was sunburned as a kid. My father and grandmother have had skin cancer. I know telling you guys this dosen't mean much but I am scared right now.

    1. Thank you so much for posting! Sorry I didn't see it sooner. How did it turn out? I would love to hear. It is always good to get anything that concerns you and is growing or changing checked out. If the Dr. didn't think it was anything to worry about, make sure you take pictures of it and keep your eye out for changes. If it continues to grow and change have it taken off just for piece of mind.
